Monday, January 31, 2011

Opening the Door

February 27, 2007 . . .  Most of the events of my marriage run together . . .  Dates are nearly impossible to remember, but this was a special day, so I remember, and this was the day the door opened . . . for me . . .

I don't remember what we fought about.  I rarely do after a little time.  The fights are so often over the insignificant.  But . . . he once again brought up divorce.  Nearly every fight, every argument . . . and there were so many . . . for the first nearly six years of our marriage . . . he brought up divorce.  He brought up divorce.  For me, divorce was not an option.  It didn't exist as a choice.  This marriage was going to work . . .  Until this morning . . .  This time when he said divorce, something snapped inside of me, and suddenly a door opened . . .  Divorce was a possibility . . . It is a possibility . . .

Our relationship began a steady decline after that.  With me no longer fighting to hold this marriage together, it rapidly began falling to pieces, until finally in November 2007, I drafted and signed divorce papers.  He just needed to sign and file them . . .  And instead he talked me into giving the relationship another chance.  He knew so many ways he'd been wrong, and he didn't want to lose me . . .

It's a funny thing though . . . this door to divorce.  Once opened, it never really closes.  And as the relationship hits new all time lows, it even becomes a comfort . . . for there is a way out of this hell.

So, that door stands there . . . open . . . beckoning . . .  But, something holds me back . . .  Something keeps me from stepping through it . . .  fear . . .  Fear of the unknown . . .  I know others find my inaction exhausting . . . frustrating . . .  But, fear is paralyzing . . .  And it is only overcome one step at a time . . .

If knowledge is power, the fear of the unknown is just as powerful.  It is a war fought on mental and emotional battlefields that those outside of the abuse simply cannot comprehend, and any truly positive outcome is excruciatingly slow in its arrival.

Three weeks ago I embraced that door.  I was more powerful than that fear.  I was ready to walk through it . . .  until I was wrenched back from its threshold . . .  and consumed by all new fears . . .

But the door stands . . . open to the blackness of the unknown . . . and I am on an agonizingly slow journey once again . . .

A journey that may someday end in my stepping through the door . . . into the abyss . . . and beginning again . . . beginning anew . . .

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm......I know EXACTLY what you're talkin' about. It's def scary. Whats funny(or not funny, really)is that we are so SCARED of the unknown that we actually CHOOSE to stay in FEAR for our lives......I'll always stand behind you no matter what you decide to do or how long it takes you to do it. I love you!
